terça-feira, 9 de setembro de 2014


While my belly grows with our little girl inside, we struggle to arrange everything for her arrival. Toys included! As i`ve been into the handmade business for many years, I know all the good crafters around that make the most attractive and most cute soft toys in the market. In Portugal there are several outstanding items like Matilde Beldroega, from who I`ve always been a great fan ever since and also Donna Wilson (UK) exquisite plush toys are one of my favorites.
Living in a country like Japan, completely devoted to the world of cuteness made me even more found of plush toys. Meanwhile I decided to relaunch the *Chocha Dolls Collection* and I´ve added some in my shop, however they are available only from October, but you can order right now and wait for them patiently. Perhaps you saw them around, they were featured in several blogs and magazines.


長年、ハンドメイドの仕事に夢中だったわたしは、一番魅力的で可愛いおもちゃをつくる職人さんを知っています。ポルトガルでは、昔から大ファンだった MatildeBeldroega とか、精巧なDonna Wilson などなど。。
日本のような、かわいいもので溢れている国で生活していて、わたしもぬいぐるみが大好きになりました。それで再び *Chocha Dolls Collection* を始動することに。
いくつかはもうわたしのショップに加えました。でも注文に対応できるのは10月からになりそうです・ みなさん、どうか楽しみに待っていてくださいね!

W o r l d  o f  C u t e n e s s  i n  J a p a n

summer is ending** autumn will arrive soon** enjoy anyway**

see you soon!!


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